Monday, July 30, 2012

The type of wine

Red wine
The red wines are popular.

In Baroda (Barolo) - Italy.
Brunel's Monte Carlo, European Ticino (Brunello di Montalcino) - Italy.
Boca Cholet (Beaujolais) - France
Bordeaux (Bordeaux) - France
PA Governor General (Bourgogne), or PA's (Burgundy) - France
Bear and I do Soleil Lavigne (Cabernet Sauvignon) - California, Australia, France, Moldova, South Africa
Crucial in Red (Carmenere) - Chile
How many hit (Chianti) - Italy.
The mean squared error (Merlot) - Washington, California, Chile, France, South Africa
Pino Noir (Pinot Noir) - France, California, Oregon, South Africa
Pittsburgh Casino Resort (Pinotage) - South Africa
Real Car (Rioja) - Spain
Syracuse / life Natural gas (Syrah / Shiraz) - United Kingdom, France, Australia, South Africa
Metropolis in Montreal West (Valpolicella) - Italy.
In the teeth of Delhi (Zinfandel) - California
White wine (White wine).
Made from white grapes or red grapes, grape juice, but not only. Divided into several types.

A light white wine (Vin Blanc Tranquille or Doux).
Dry white wine (Vin Blanc Sec or Demi-sec).
Sweet white wines (VDN, Porto, Xeres).
White gas (Champagne, Vouvrey).
Ligure from white grapes (Cognac, Armagnac, Pineau).
The white wine has been popular.

Richard and I (Chardonnay) - United Kingdom, France, Australia, South Africa
Cha Lee (Chablis) - France
National Treasure Blanc (Chenin Blanc) - South Africa France.
Russell's Garden City (Frascati) - Italy.
The R's Ewื a song. (Gewürztraminer) - France, Germany, South Africa
Fred Leeb's MILK (Liebfraumilch) - Germany.
New Orleans was in (Orvieto) - Italy.
Pino Green / Green knots over the years (Pinot Gris / Pinot Grigio) - France, Italy, Oregon.
Pui Yee - The Birmingham News (Pouilly-Fuissé) - France
Three wires (Riesling) - France, Germany.
Lavigne Associates Blanc (Sauvignon Blanc) - United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, South Africa
Sami Lyon (Sémillon) - South Africa
Sun Valley Resort (Soave) - Italy.
For Dickie in Friday's New York State JC (Verdicchio dei castelli di Jesi) - Italy.
A sparkling wine (Sparkling wine).
This wine is a kind of compressed carbon dioxide gas.
For example, a sparkling wine that is popular.

Us spool is in state (Asti spumante) - Italy.
GABA (Cava) - Spain
Champagne / Jean Spa General (Champagne) - French sparkling wine produced in the region will only be allowed to use the name Champagne.
Gore's running in tea (Franciacorta) - Italy.
Process-in (Prosecco) - Italy.
News Ltd. (Sekt) - German.
A sparkling wine (Sparkling wine) - California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico.
Rose-colored wine (rosé).

Suisun City to Oaxaca's Boca de San Martin (Busuioacă de Bohotin): Romania.
La Rosa in grain (Lagrein Rosato): Italy
Rose (Rosé): Australia, France, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, the United States.